The belt after the docks closed - 2 of 2         
Date approximate. Could be '73 or '74. The view is from the glass factory roughly south to Dewey Avenue. The two switch stands are for the glass factory siding (right) and the siding on the opposite side (left, NYC or cemetery side) as they connect back to the main (center). The poplars on the left are on the property line between the cemetery and the NYC (out of sight, also on the left). The track walker is almost to Dewey Avenue. Romig's is in the plaza to the right. The RR poles (both NYC & B&O) in the middle between the two lines are gone today. The whistle post next to the switch stand on the right is for McCall Road (yes, even though it is located before Dewey). Rules, regulations and distances dictate placement.
Date: 10/1/1973 Location: Rochester, NY   Map Show Rochester on a rail map Views: 230 Collection Of:   Christopher Smith
Author:  Christopher Smith
The belt after the docks closed - 2 of 2
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  B&O Dock Branch & Belt Line
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