Here's a close up shot of BLE SD40 - 3, originally a SP SD45T - 2 and remanufacture to it's current look and owner. It still sounds nice and looking very good in an age of high tech and high horsepower EMDs and GEs. This khnd of power is still doing taconite service on the North Shore while Class Ones resort to SD70ACes, SD70MACs, GEVOs, and AC4400CWs. Thanks for the great memories DM&IR and the awesome roster of 1st and 2id generation of EMDs |
9/4/2011 |
Proctor, MN Map |
440 |
Collection Of:
Eric Bitton |
Locomotives: |
Author: Eric Bitton
Picture Categories: Bridge,Yard,Action |
This picture is part of album: Twin Ports Railfanning |