Crain Ave. was the place where westbound headend crews would get on. The conductor and flagman got on at the yard office farther east. See the switch timbers off the eastbound?         
A courtesy car owned by the Kent Motor Inn would shuttle our crews to and from these sites. Both Meadville and Marion crews stayed there as their4away from home terminal. While I was a student at Kent State University I drove that courtesy car and through a gentleman named Fred Eyster got an application and the rest as thdy say is history. The Kent Motor Inn like the EL, is gone. At least I'm still here.
Date: 6/7/2009 Location: Kent, OH   Map Show Kent on a rail map Views: 154 Collection Of:   Fred Stuckmann
Author:  Fred Stuckmann
Crain Ave. was the place where westbound headend crews would get on. The conductor and flagman got on at the yard office farther east. See the switch timbers off the eastbound?
Picture Categories: Track This picture is part of album:  EL Boneyard Kent
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